Thursday, November 1, 2012


The weekend before last, my husband and I were given the opportunity to travel to Nashville, TN to go to our friends' wedding, Garrett and Hope. My husband also shot their wedding and it was such a perfect Autumn day for  such a beautiful wedding!

On the days we weren't on photo duty, after the wedding, we traveled that evening to the downtown area and witnessed the massive amounts of bars and venues full of musicians playing mostly country and classic rock songs..not to mention there were several lone song writers along the streets playing for money. They don't call it the music city for no reason, folks!

Sunday we made our way to good ol' Trader Joes to buy special groceries that we missed since living in Cali and since we've been home, have been enjoying their roasted tomato soup (accompanied by gouda bacon grilled cheese sandwiches), warm spiced apple cider, and a nicely sized container of yogurt covered raisins (that my husband devoured in 3 days time).

On our way home we found a sweet little town called Paducah in Kentucky where we ate lunch, walked along the river side, and found the biggest collection of records I've ever seen.
I picked up Ray Charles and Bing Crosby to add to my tiny collection that I hope to continue to grow.

Getting away from home clears my mind every time and I think it is necessary for us to do so every often. This trip reminded me of how much I love to travel and see new things. I remembered to dream again like I used to about traveling. Our time is so limited here in this world. I've spent the majority of my life in Missouri and sometimes feel a little naive in the way that I haven't experienced stepping foot in foreign soil. I think stepping outside of my comfort zone of home and what I know every single day gives me the opportunity to step away from getting so caught up in my routine and take more time to meditate on what the Lord is saying. I've always been timid and indecisive about many of my decisions. I'm hoping to live a little more freely this next year, in the arms of Christ; to be less afraid of what others think of me and being veiled in what the Lord says that I am. I hope to be more assertive in my decision making and moving forward to reach the goals I always place to the side. I'm praying for strength, for motivation, for an abundance of joy to live life more freely and out of my timid shell. I'm praying to fearlessly pour out to others what I've so graciously been given.

With Love,