Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Number 8 and 9. Thankfulness.

The Lord is so good. He's kind of sneaky too...which to me, shows He is humorous. 
It feels like the good things come out of no where, without any notice beforehand, after having a few hard weeks, which makes the wait so worth it. And this shows me that we are being held in His hands. 
It isn't always easy having a childlike faith...I over complicate and over think things. 
There's nothing we can do to make Him love us more. He just Loves us, with a deep mercy and grace we can never fully comprehend. 
And all He asks is for us to Love and worship Him. 

"And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28

8. I am thankful for the Lord's timing.
This past week I've been re-thinking my business and whether I've been doing the right thing. Of course I've only had my massage therapy business running for a little over a month. I told myself beforehand that it wasn't going to be easy to get people in the door right away. But once I was in the middle of making calls, and spending days sitting in my office for a walk-in, I began to worry that all my hard work was amounting to nothing. I know this has been a season of learning patience. Patience throughout every part of my life, whether it be at my work, my new business, saving money for Matt and I to live in our own space, etc.
I know God is teaching me to rely upon Him in everything, practically and mindfully. And I know that there is nothing I will be put through that I can't come out of if I rely upon Christ. 
This week I had two clients in one day. Praise God!

9. Today I am thankful for friendship.
This is one of the things I am so sure of; The Lord has blessed me with friends. I've heard that you're blessed if you have 5 really close friends or less throughout your lifetime. I feel blessed that He's brought  such wonderful friends into my life. I think of the way they've been weaved through my life, such as one friend leading me to meet a group of friends that held my future husband and has been such an encouragement to me 6 years strong. Another friend who has witnessed such growth in me from a teenager that though we live miles away from each other, when we see each other, I feel that foundation of friendship of the past and we talk with ease.
Thank you Lord for friends. I know that I could not go through this hectic life without them. 

With Love,

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