Welcome to my blog, The Bungalow Nest! With a new look and name. A name is part of the first impression after all. The Bungalow Nest is more current for me, even though I may be using the name Needle & Twine for selling any of my crafts in the future.
I couldn't stay away from blogging I guess. But I did take quite a long break from my blog and decided that when I have something important to say, writing is the perfect outlet for me. I fumble with my words in person...but give me some time to get it all out on paper or on my handy Macbook and I am there.
I cannot promise anything here. I can't promise that I'll be sharing all of the million crafts I'd like to show you how to do, or get every perfect picture of my favorite outfit of the weekend posted, or show every delicious recipe I love, or trick you into thinking my life is perfect because we all know life isn't.
I do want to share these things because they are a part of my life, but my greatest hope with this blog is to share good ideas and bring warmth into your home, your nest. My hope is to spark a fire of faith through words of encouragement and the light that is Christ. I hope to show that pushing through the not so good seasons and persevering to celebrate the good ones is a beautiful way to live.
Here's to a beautiful Autumn and Winter season and onward to 2013!
With Love,
Whoo! Welcome back, I am excited for the new blog!