Saturday, October 27, 2012


Last night my husband and I said it smelled just like Autumn. Maybe it was the neighbors fireplace smoke, or the million wet leaves in our yard, or maybe the cool crisp air stirring it all about. I'm pretty sure Autumn is the best time of the year because it is so short of a time. The leaves on every tree are bursting with color and the coolness of the air is just enough to make sure you cook chili and drink hot cider. Too much of something good isn't as interesting or exciting because it spoils it and we end up taking it for granted.

Our new home is so great and such a quiet and peaceful place. It's still a mess in certain rooms and we are still substituting certain furniture (or boxes filled with things) for uses they don't quite fit naturally but work in the mean time. I have to stop myself sometimes to just be thankful for all we have and all that God has given us. A lot of my blog posts in the past are about patience and waiting for our own home. He's given us so much and I am taken back sometimes because He's supplied us with more than we asked for.

I'm looking forward to inviting our friends and community into our little nest for dinners, (once we find some dining chairs of course; we only have one at the moment..Eek! ), putting up our first real Christmas tree as a married couple of over three years, and continue to make it an organized space.

I hope you're enjoying this beautiful Autumn weather and hope you'll consider following my blog! ;)

With Love,

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